Plunging Pornography: A Catholic Bathroom Book
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Americans spend more than two weeks in the restroom every year. Let's put this toilet time to use! Plunging Pornography is the perfect resource for teens and adults living in our porn-saturated culture. This engaging bathroom book tackles the tough topic of pornography from an authentically Catholic perspective. It outlines both the religious and scientific reasons for WHY & HOW to escape pornography. Parents, teens, and young adults will benefit from this easy-to-read resource. Place this book on the toilet of those with whom you wish to lovingly share the truth about porn. The restroom can be an unsanitary sanctuary. It's time for the porcelain throne to point to the Heavenly Throne. Every Catholic bathroom should have this book! How parents can use this book:
Step 1: Parents read the book.
Step 2: Parents place the book in teen's bathroom.
​Step 3: Parents begin dialogue with teen using the included conversation starters.
Step 1: Parents read the book.
Step 2: Parents place the book in teen's bathroom.
​Step 3: Parents begin dialogue with teen using the included conversation starters.